Great Digital Cameras (Update)

Ok, I have made a post about choosing between two Great Digital Cameras. The Canon PowerShot A590 which is rated as the Best Budget Digital Camera for Consumers, small but a bit bulky for me; and the New Sony CyberShot T700 which is a Great Touch Screen Camera with sleek design. I'm looking for a Great Digital Camera with a fair price!

You can get great quality photos and videos plus great features from the Canon PowerShot A590 with a very good price of not more than $2oo.oo! but the downside for me, well not really a downside but, I was looking for a more sleek design.

The Sony CyberShot T700 is an awesome touch screen Digital Camera with great quality photos and videos plus features, has 4GB internal memory, has colors to choose from. It has a very nice sleek design, but expensively priced around $400, if you can spend around this price then this is a great choice.

I had a lot of choices before narrowing down to the first two Digital Camera. But I made another search, also comparing the first two Digital Camera. And I found another two Great Digital Cameras, actually about the same as the first two, a battle against Canon and Sony!

The Canon PowerShot SD750 is a really Great Digital Camera rated highly by editors and users, great quality, features and great price of $211.95! I know it sound like the description I wrote for the Canon PowerShot A590, but this one is more compact and highly rated! This became my Top Choice!

The Sony CyberShot T100 comes from the Sony CyberShot T-series, this one is late model but still highly rated as opposed to newer series, but of'course not better than the Sony CyberShot T700 although they both are highly rated. This Digital Camera is not a touch screen but to some people that doesn't matter, it has great quality photos and videos, features, nice sleek design, colors to choose from, and priced around $250.00 to $280.00 or higher.

I'm having difficulty choosing between:
"really top rated, fair priced, and so-so commonly used design "
or the
"still top rated, slightly higher than fair price, and nice sleek design"

And I choose... The Sony CyberShot T100! Has great quality photos and videos, features, nice sleek design and will pay for a slightly higher than fair price!

What would you choose?

Here are some of the Digital Cameras I've compared from the rest:

Sony CyberShot w130

Sony CyberShot DSC-W55

Sony Cybershot dsc-h50

Kodak m1033

Canon PowerShot SD850 IS

Nikon CoolPix s60

2 Response to Great Digital Cameras (Update)

  1. Anonymous says:

    kuya. i want slr. hehe =)

  2. For a beginner spending your budget on a camera based on megapixels initially will lead to a poor choice with a camera that does have the other characteristics to suit your purposes.