The future of Web Browsing!

Cool Iris - formerly known as Piclens

I've come upon a site that offers a new way of browsing the web, beacuse me and my friends have a website using Freewebs and our site is (come visit our site), and the photos there uses a program called piclens and now its called cool iris. And it is really cool using it especially when using it on other sites that has also piclens icons on them. And it works on most popular sites like shown below

To download and try it for yourself, just visit their website at I've tried it on YouTube and it works great, and now I see small icons for Piclens on some sites i visit. Its on Full Screen and Full 3D, and you can swithc back to the original page anytime you want. Here's a video demo from YouTube.

Try it, and you'll have fun using Piclens, Enjoy!

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