Message From Author

Hey guys, its been awhile since I've updated my blog and there has been a lot of things that I browsed on the web recently. So much stuff that I don't know where to begin. But I'll just keep posting and hope you enjoy and learn from upcoming posts. From great new and awesome applications that some will be available in coming months or so, to great tips and tricks that you'll hopefully like and learn, great and entertaining videos, to awesome websites and great new links to come!

By the way, most if not all the applications I'm posting have been tried and tested and have good reviews from trusted sites. But just to be on the safe side, always try to be careful installing and trying out these programs. Especially having very good Anti-Virus Software and Spyware, and creating a Restore Point on your PC is a good way to undo harmful changes in your computer. You can acces this on your PC by going to Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore.

Enjoy reading and learning from my posts and feel free to share to your friends! All comments are welcome and would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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