Quick Tips when Using your Digital Camera

On my recent post about choosing a Great Digital Camera, I've actually searched also about how to take great pictures using a Digital Camera. And I found great videos on how to do just that. And as always, I search contents on different sites, most of which is CNET, and they featured a topic about Quick Tips when using your Digital Camera!

I was just thinking if this is a coincidence? I do a lot of searches that interests me and some if not most, I look for on CNET. They feature stuff that interests me, and sometimes I post on my blog just the ones on my mind that interest me and when I visit their site, I see that they feature the ones I'm interested in! Like this topic I'm currently posting on my blog
(although this videos are not so recent from their archive, but they featured it back). I don't know if I'm writing in circles here, but you get what I mean right? Or is it just me? ;)

Anyway, here's videos on Quick Tips when using your Digital Camera, from focusing, zooming, depth, when to use flash, aperture, and more:

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